DTI News

March 6, 2025
English हिन्दी

No Jeans & T-shirt in Office: Bihar’s Saran DM warns government employees to follow dress code or face penalties

Patna: District Magistrate in Bihar’s Saran has recently issued a directive, barring all government employees from wearing jeans to the office. This new rule has been put in place to improve the work culture in government offices. The employees have been instructed to wear formal dress and to stay in the office during working hours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

As per the directive, employees have also been asked to wear identity cards around their neck so that they can be easily identified. The District Magistrate has warned the employees to strictly follow the new guidelines, especially the dress code, and has also cautioned that offenders would be penalized.

To ensure compliance, the District Magistrate has announced that he will undertake surprise inspections of particular departments and may also do video conferencing or video calling to check the status of the directive. The idea behind this initiative is to create a more disciplined work culture in government offices and to increase productivity.

This move has been welcomed by many who believe that such a measure will create a sense of professionalism among government employees. However, there are some who feel that such a directive is unnecessary and may infringe on the personal freedom of employees.

Regardless, the District Magistrate is adamant that this new rule is for the benefit of the government and its employees. It remains to be seen how successful this initiative will be in the long run, and if it will indeed result in positive changes in the work culture of government offices in Bihar’s Saran.

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