Chandigarh: In a just released advertisement for Military Nursing Service Officers to join Armed Forces requires a critical questioning to such authority.
Military nursing officers are even denied the status of ex servicemen ESM after they leave the service on completion of their engagement tenure.
Though chiefs of all the three forces agreed to justify them what Ministry of Defence seems to be holding the justice to them. MNS officers have to knock the doors of courts to seek justice based on equality. Is this we call empowerment of women?

To deny them ESM status even for reemployment in civil services, Govt records in courts are being put up to show that MNS officers are not part of Army but an Auxiliary Service! Then why such advertisement? Is not a deception kind of act?
There is a long record of struggle by the aggrieved MNS officers who were denied their rights and had to approach various courts of law to seek justice.
Social activist Ashwani Joshi appealed that the government which talks high on women empowerment must address the issue on priority to declare ESM status to all ex MNS officers without further delay
who have completed their engagement tenure and seeking reemployment opportunities in state civil services.
It’s pertinent to mention that MNS officers who get inducted as Short Service Commissioned officers are the all Women Force in armed services and deployed in Military Hospitals to provide indispensable services to take care the medically sick or wounded Army Navy and Air Force Soldiers and their families.
A time has come that they should be treated as part of the regular army in regard to the very concept of gender justice and affirmative provisions enshrined under the Constitution of India. Additionally, it is canvassed that they would come within the category of combatant, since at the time of war or other difficult times, they have to go and take care of the soldiers or other injured persons at the cost of their life. It is also contended that there are circumstances when they are some times required to go into the war zone to look after the severely injured persons for the purpose of nursing. In essence, the contention is when there is rendition of such priceless service, there should not be denial of benefit.
Sir I was waiting for someone to take initiative even after serving in ciops area
Even anniversary is also getting exservicemen status y not Military nurses
MNS Officer’s in India as well as Globally Give Her Selfless Service s in Army,Navy, Airforce, During War, Peace,Incergency, Field, Deputation in Abroad Would be recognised n claim would be Respect,Designation, Authority, Status like other Offer’s Continue Such as Ayodhaya Shree Shree Ram Lalla Consecration Sacrificed Since 500 Yrs. Today the Conquer the Shree Ram Lalla Pran Pristha with Our Honourable “Prime Minister ‘Narender Modiji”🪔🪔🪔🪔🪔🪔🪔