DTI News

January 29, 2025
English हिन्दी

Central Govt warns states to be vigilant as Covid-19 cases surge: Mock Drill to be held across the country on April 10 to11

NEW DELHI: As Covid-19 cases surge in all state, the central government is taking strict measures to prevent the spread of the virus. Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya held a review meeting with state health ministers on Friday, where he asked them to be vigilant and increase testing and infrastructure preparedness. He also emphasized the need to speed up vaccination and genome sequencing.

To test the preparedness related to Covid-19 management, Mandaviya has asked states to conduct mock drills at all health centers on 10 and 11 April. The health ministers of the states have also been requested to review preparations with district administration and public health officials on 8 and 9 April, as per statement.

The central government has warned that eight states in India are reporting more cases of Covid-19, with Kerala, Maharashtra, and Delhi reporting an infection rate of 10% or more in ten or more districts. Additionally, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Haryana have recorded an infection rate of more than 5% in more than five districts, it added.

Mandaviya stressed the importance of scaling up public awareness campaigns regarding adherence to Covid-appropriate behaviour. Despite the emergence of new variants, the time-tested strategy of ‘test, trace, treat, vaccinate,’ and following Covid-appropriate behaviour remains the key to Covid-19 management.

The Union Health Minister has advised states and union territories to accelerate vaccination of all eligible population groups, especially the elderly and vulnerable population. The central government and states need to continue working in a spirit of cooperation, as was done during the prevention and management of Covid-19.

It was also noted that 8 states in India are reporting more cases of Covid, with ten or more districts in Kerala, Maharashtra and Delhi reporting 10 per cent infection rate and Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, More than five districts in Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Haryana have recorded an infection rate of more than five percent. Mandaviya stressed the importance of scaling up public awareness campaigns regarding adherence to Covid-appropriate behaviour. He requested all the State Health Ministers to personally monitor and review the preparedness of all infrastructure.

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